
Microsoft® Windows® 2003 Service Pack 1 Ready!

Disponibile a questa pagina un mega download di 310 Mb e passa, il tanto atteso Service Pack 1 per Microsoft® Windows® 2003, che racchiude in sè una serie hotfix e nuove funzionalità... in attesa del Service Pack 3 per Windows XP Home & Professional....

1 commento:

Dave ha detto...

I saw you replied to a thread I created on Blogger.com. I apologize I haven't gotten back to you sooner. I plan to be more active on that forum.

Anyway, to answer your question: Yes, if you link to http://www.MaximumAwesome.com and submit your own site to my directory and we're all set.

Maximum Awesome now has a page rank of 3 (some interior pages with 4).

from Maximum Awesome